
Stop me from buying AppleCare again... ( at the very least! ;-)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

? PROOF of Apple's upcoming "FOUR" Processor Desktops??

One can DREAM, can't he? ? ? Hee-Hee-Hee-Hee!

? PROOF of Apple's upcoming

Why does music exicte one more when you can SEE it?

ONe tip- CLUTTER is a great little complimentary application to make itunes more VISUAL by making it drop dead easy to make an album collage of your favorites among other tricks- but one you overload you desktop with covers like I have (on a rapidly aging Mac in need of a restart) DON'T start pressing the EXPOSE' bkeys (F9-10-11) or you will REALLY start BOGGING DOWN your BLOGGING!!! ;-) (or in other words- I was able to RE-OBTAIN that somewhat ancient (1989) New Model Army album of of a BitTorrent site this afternoon and I just had to pull the cover out of the ether too after seeing it on All after getting the albums' info there via Doug's Applescript for iTunes "AMG EZ search... blah blah blah... I'll shut up now...! ;-)

I read somewhere a rumor about an Apple Quad

If I re-find the article I'll post it, but I remember that someone had a screen shot of a CPU speed test or some similiar app. and it had check boxes for 4 processors. Anyone know anything about this?
Also a former co-worker (from the job I recently left) just got a new 15" powerbook- He's a PC guy, web designer, network installer, etc. but has wanted to get a mac for a while now and he likes it.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Why there is no G5 laptop yet

copy and paste to browser:

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Still getting the hang of proper photo-linking (it'll take a few more tries I'm sure!)

In the mean time- please gt an account (if u don't already) at aned CONTRIBUTE to this blog or make you own gem that we can marvel at! - TimmO


Michelle Malkin talks Apple v. Bloggers

Originally uploaded by shadigradi.
I ain't crazy about Malkin's politics, but she may be a MAC Crack addict if she's posting this info... maybe she and Rush (Pillhead) Limbaugh still both a have a tint piece of their soul that can be salvaged because they pray at the altar of STEVEN!!! ;-)